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I have seen the light
Oct 24, 2008

I am the excited owner of a MacBook Pro. I feel like I have had a new baby- it has me totally distracted because I want to tinker with it, it is keeping me up at night, I am humbled and thrilled at the same time... and I don't want anybody to touch it (yet). Ok--Maybe if they Purel before they touch it :)

I am so excited about my new computer that it is embarassing. I never knew how much of a techie I am, but my inner geek is very apparent these days. I know have joined the masses that say that Mac is the Best! I can't believe how easy it has been to use, how user friendly and FANTASTIC! I just wish I had taken the plunge sooner. 

I do have pictures to post but I will have to do it tomorrow. Right now it is time for beddy-bye! I miss Travis... It has been almost a month without him and I want my husband back. Just a few more days.

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