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25th and 26th Flights
Oct 13, 2008

Some people do marathons or triathalons but I do flyathons. Today is the day I have been nervous about for months. Kai and I are flying back to LA. I am speculating that because of the flight times that there will be NO nap. I am just hoping for no major drama... one can hope.

Regardless how it goes today, I want to say that we will be skyping more in the future. SKYPE is my friend. Airlines are not. I have heard a lot about this service and when I get home, I am going to set up my account. Skype here I come!

On a side note I have to say that Kai has been so well behaved on this trip - it is AWESOME!! He is talking more and he is FUNNY! He loves to make people laugh. Once he has you laughing then he says, "What Kai did?" He is my best little buddy and everyday he melts my heart in new and amazing ways. So let's hope I feel that way once we land in LA. :) Please say a little prayer for us today, if you will. It would be gr8ly appreciated.


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