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We have landed
Oct 3, 2008

To say that I am gr8phul is an understatement. We made it through and we are in North Carolina! After a L-O-N-G day of traveling with an almost 2 year old. We are here. I am gr8phul to the man that offered to help when I had all the bags, I am gr8phul to Jerry that sat next to us on the first flight, I am gr8phul for a DVD player and lots of snacks. I am so gr8phul right now! Gr8phul for the friends that prayed for us, and the ones that heard me out and helped me think of planning. And I have to admit that I am gr8phul that my computer made it (it was risky--I checked it--I had to) and I am gr8phul that after this long day I can kick back and catch up on all things internet. Truly gr8phul!

Ok--So 2 stories! This one is kinda crazy!! At LAX airport this morning they were stopping every car while driving in, then there were a LOT of police officers at each terminal. I am talking about a LOT!! There were K9's going through the terminal and then it happened. Kai and I went through security and we were still getting our stuff put together when all of a sudden a SWARM of men in blue (Police officers, TSA agents, and some other "blues") bum rushed a guy right behind me. It happened fast...SO FAST. I guess it can really shake things up to have that go on at the terminal, so they had him hauled away in under 2 minutes. It happened like a flash. It definitely didn't make me comfortable about flying. I was pretty spooked. I just hope that guy was guilt because he is in some hot water. I don't think I will ever know what that was about, but it left me extremely gr8phul for getting here safety, and the people who work so hard to protect us. It was pretty sketchy!

So--The other story is not so dramatic. It was a suddle thing. We sat next to Jerry on our first flight and over the course of the flight Kai warmed up to him, a lot. At the end he was playing with Jerry and looking out the window while kind of laying on his chest. Here's the thing, there was such joy for him that he was allowed to love on a kid. I could tell that he was cherishing the opportunity. The way he touched Kai was so full of love and respect I am gr8phul that he reminded me that one day my little boy will be all grown up and I will long for the snuggles and interaction. It reminded me to cherish it even more today and build memories to draw from later down the road. Jerry was a good dude and I wish his all the best with his new house in Virginia. He had already closed on it but had only seen a picture. His wife had scouted it out for his family, and he trusted her entirely. Pretty Cool!

And lastly, here is a video that I saw on Becker's blog and I really liked it. It is so important to vote! I for one will be happy to have this election decided and for a little break from campaign trail. I will be voting, will you?



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