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Why I am Late
Aug 20, 2008

I am getting it, more and more everyday. I realize, that when I thought of Motherhood -- I thought of having a little 2 year old with that heartbreaking angelic voice, who said the funny little sayings and then followed everything up with a hug or a kiss. I am now there. I am trying to realize the world can wait while I enjoy every solitary second of it. Today is the only day like today and I am going to drink it in as deep as I can. Kai is funny, smart, sarcastic at times and cracks me up, he is demanding (like his Mom and Dad), he is creative, everything that rolls off his tongue is the funniest thing I have ever heard... He is just down right adorable! I know I am his Mom and I might be biased but Michael Phelps has nothing on this kid, he is better than Shawn White, he is a dream I had long ago--he surpasses any gold medal. He is the Best and everyday that I get to spend with him, I am richer for it. So if it takes me a little while to call back or send an e-mail, please cut me some slack. I am just trying to take sometime and smell the roses with my little boy and am having a blast in the process.

Today I peed on the potty and he told me, "Good job Mommy!"



This is right before he drank the pool water, that he knew I said not to.


And this is right after. It is hard to get upset with him when he is that cute.


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