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Happy Monday!
Sep 15, 2008

Well it was another busy weekend but a FUN one! I had the pleasure of doing some family pictures/ maternity pictures for the Merica-Jones family. I will be posting a few of them soon. It was really smart of them to do family pictures now for their Christmas cards, so they are going to be prepared when December pokes its head around the corner. Because Christmas is going to be here before we know it. Yes, there is Halloween and Thanksgiving first but somehow every year Christmas still sneaks up on me.

Kai is discovering how many expression he can make with that cute little face of his. He has been practicing them in mirrors or anything with a reflection. I thought I would share a few with you.


Also, My prayers and thoughts are with Jasmine Star and her family as they face her Mom battling cancer again. Her Mom's story with the first fight can be found in the pages of Jasmine's blog. It is a miracle filled story! If you have never read Jasmine's Blog-- then treat yourself. Make yourself a cup of tea and prepare to get lost in the virtual pages of her blog. She is a firecracker of inspiration and an incredible writer and photographer. Basically she is the whole package and a sweet heart as well. She has inspired my business like none other and I can't help but want to model her zest for God, Marriage, Life, Photography, Service and Fun! (Can you tell that I like her?) Here is the link to her site: Jasmine Star Photography

This site is Better in Pink!