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Something Funny
Dec 19, 2008

Picture me on the side of the road TRYING to change my flat tire, when a guy driving by yelled, "They won't be hiring you for Nascar!"

If I had a camera I would have taken a picture of my facial reaction. Good thing that it is Christmas time and I felt like being a happy little elf. I just smiled and waved, as he drove off. Grrrrr! There I was running late to pick up my little boy, wearing an outfit and shoes that weren't conducive to changing a tire and struggling to get the tire off.

I want to be sure to pass on something I learned today. Crack the lug-nuts before you lift the car. Because once you get the car in the air it is nearly impossible to get those things off. And putting the car down and starting over is a bit of a pisser. 

But it is Friday, so I am going to go eat pizza and friends and look forward to the weekend! :)

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