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Christmas Greetings
Dec 15, 2008

We sincerely hope that you all have had a great year. 2008 has definitely been full of fast paced fun. We have done so much, got to visit so many  great places and spent time with encouraging people. Through all the trips and experiences we are amazed by God's love and how we are falling more in love with each other as we go. At the same time, Kai brings us SO much joy and laughter. He has reminded us of what is truly important in life and has challenged us to be better people and parents.

This year, we have decided to go the e-mail/blog route with our Christmas card for a number of reasons. 1) It is environmentally friendly 2) less spendy yet still fun and 3) this way you get to hear Kai's version of jingle bells. You can't do that with a traditional card.

We are putting the slideshow up on my blog, because we don't want to clog your inbox with a huge file. I hope you enjoy it because I really enjoyed making it for you. Looking over the past year has reminded us of God's provision and Love, and we are excited to share some of that with you.   

In Love & By Faith,
Travis, Kat & Kai


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