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New Blog, New Hair, so New Pictures!
May 12, 2008

A few months ago, I cut off 12 inches of hair and every time that I saw a picture with my "old hair" I mourned the loss over again. It sounds silly, but I had that hair style (or lack-there-of) for almost 10 years. So the new hair is a drastic change for me. But I didn't want to turn into a frumpy Mommy, so out came the scissors. Sorry, enough about my hair, time to move on.

Well, my friend, an amazing photographer, Molly of Luminaire Images helped me get comfortable with my new look. We enjoyed a fun afternoon down in Long Beach and afterwards she took some pictures of me :) Thanks Molly! Whenever Molly and I get together, it means that we are going to do a lot of laughing; I think the pictures reflect that.


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