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Rock-a-bye Baby
Apr 28, 2008

Times have been Buzzzzzeeee on our end lately. We headed to Colorado this past weekend for a special wedding. I will be posting pictures here soon. But before we left I had the distinct pleasure of meeting and photographing John, Yvette and their precious little daughter Charlotte.

I kidded Yvette about being a "dot com-er ", because she must have referenced 20 websites while I was there. I would see something abosultely adorable and she would say that she got it on _________.com. After the first 10 references I clued in that she knows her way around the world wide web. That is how we linked up, through a website called Momasource dot com :) Check it out if you are a Mom and looking to reach out to other women.

Charlotte was a dream and was very agreeable. She has clearly bonded with her parents because just the sight of one of them would make her smile, giggle and coo. They have the sweetest home and it is filled with laughter and baby lulluby's (All be it, a soft lullaby to the tune of the Green Day or Ramones from Rockabye Baby). I loved seeing there fun and unique approach to parenthood, they clearly haven't been shopping at Baby Gap :)







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