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Momentary connection
Apr 9, 2008

I guess the planets are lining up for me or God is smiling down on me, because I have had internet connection for the last 45 minutes! Woo Hoo Now if I my internet connection equaled or surpassed the length of time I have to hold to wait on Verizon's tech support. Anyway-- I am working on the internet stuff but till it gets resolved I feel very 1995. You know the days before the internet was expected and evyone had a computer in every room of their house.

Ok--back on track. I have a few more images to share from Erin and Darin's engagemnt shoot.









Did I mention that he is a test pilot for the Air Force and she is a pediatric nurse. These are two people that have followed their dreams and they have lead them to each other. :)

This site is Better in Pink!