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Apr 11, 2008

Oh... I am so excited right now that I can barely keep my feet on the ground! God has worked it out that I am going to be able to see Beth Moore speak this weekend in San Diego and I am SO AMPED! I have known about it for months and I really wanted to go but I didn't think that it was going to work out( prevented by Trav's Masters, and needing to watch Kai). I was ready to let it go and then OUT OF THE BLUE! God made me a personal invitation! This is definitely one of those times where he is giving me the desires of my heart and I am THRILLED! Beth Moore has been instrumental in walking me through a personal understanding of the Bible (a.k.a God's Love Letter to Me!) I am so excited to have the opportunity to see her speak and the pleasure to get away with some friends and have some girl time. I know I am spoiled, but if it is God doing the spoiling...it can't be a bad thing!

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