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The Shack
Mar 25, 2009

I had a number of people recommend the book, "The Shack" by William P. Young and I always thought that I would read it someday... If you saw my bedside table and the heaping pile of magazines and books you would laugh. In the reading department by intentions are way better than my actions. (I am working on that)

Anyway-after a few more friends mentioned it in Vegas I got home and found a copy on my doorstep. I guess God was really trying to get me to read the book ;) My neighbor had brought it for me and I finally decided to read the book.

Wow, Am I glad that I have made the journey. I an 2/3 of the way through it and I have really enjoyed it. There are so parts of the book that are hard to swallow, it is just one of those times where you spits out the bones and enjoy the meat. And there is a LOT of meat. It is such a beautiful picture of holy love and I think this will have to be a yearly read. :)

I love that SOOOO many beautiful people in my life knew that this book would really touch me. It makes the book all the more special. So I am saying-- READ IT! :)



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