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Life is a Ride
Mar 15, 2009

When I was in Vegas I rode the New York, New York roller-coaster - twice! I couldn't stop smiling for half an hour. But today we went to Santa Monica Pier and the Ferris Wheel almost made me nauseous. Not the ride of it but the fact that my 2 year old was up that high without restraint. I was fit to be tied.

I literally couldn't speak. Trav had a good laugh. Considering that it was my idea to go to Santa Monica Pier because I wanted to take Kai on the Ferris Wheel. I never imagined the ride as a terrorizing experience. I was so happy when that ride ended and I could safely see Kai's feet on the ground. Today I learned again that love can hurt. My stomach was in knots for a while after the spinning death wheel stopped. Ok-Maybe I am being a little bit dramatic.

If I love Kai to the point of pain. I can't even imagine God's love. God has watched my teeter totter from high (and low) scary places. He has wanted to keep me safe and was ready to rescue if necessary. I have to think that God got a little giggle seeing me freak out-up there. Well, I didn't "freak out" but on the inside I was! Trav snapped this with our point and shoot...hahahaha!

It's neat to think that God isn't Kai's grandpa. He is his father too. We both share the most wonderful Father that is. And He is so personally invested in us. That thought blows my comprehension.

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