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Mar 13, 2009

I took the advice of a DEAR friend and took the morning off. (Thank you Amie!) Entirely. No workout, no chores, no agenda...just Love and Happiness. I am blessed. That is what I realized through the experience. Kai was thrilled to have a Mommy's undivided attention. He is kinda an attention hog-but I can relate. So we hogged as much attention we could from one another. And at the end of it, right before the nap time melt down, he ran over to me, gave me a pretend flower and a KISS. It was straight out of a movie.
That and I have something to celebrate!!! My sister got a JOB!! In this economy that is no small thing. I am thrilled for her and she starts on Tuesday. She has been thrust into a time of a LOT of work and challenges and she has been kicking some butt. Major Butt! I am pretty proud of her. :) It is inspiring to see her making it happen.


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