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Newest Inductee
May 16, 2008

As of today I have been inducted into a club that I never wanted to be in. If you were at Whole Foods an hour ago, you would have seen my child throw a tantrum like none other. If I were to name the Club right now I might drop a few explitives, so the club shall remain nameless. I was that woman who was trying desperately to hang in there and use my best kindergarten teacher voice to naviagate the experience. It wasn't easy, mind you. He was kicking, screaming, hitting, crying, and hanging limp (so that it made it harder to pick him up). So, in order to not make threats and not follow thru, I had to cut my shopping trip short. Which means that it is not off my To Do list and I will have to journey back there (show my face again) next week. Ugggghhhhh, I think I just earned Mother's Day for next year. I could hang it up for the next 300 and some days and I would still deserve every bit of Mother's Day 2009.

I now know what it feels like to be in that position. It was even harder than it looked. I felt more vunerable than I would have ever thought. I felt like every person that saw Kai's "display" was judging my reaction. What a crazy experience. But, Motherhood is my job and I take it very seriously, so hopefully I learned some skill that will better prepare me for the next time, because undoubtly there will be a next time. O Joy!

Well here are a few pictures of a woman that I think of in trying moments like what I experienced today. My friend Annie is a poster child for Motherhood. She wears a smile no matter the situation and she can always find the positive in it all. She has 3 girls and she works non-stop, with a smile. She has encouraged me to my core and it has meant the world to me. I will be calling her soon to get advice about how to handle tantrums :)

Here she is with her 2nd little girl Jacqueline.




Praise God that he has put so MANY Awesome Mom's in my path, to draw strength, advice and wisdom... and to have a glass of wine with, once the little one's go to bed :)

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