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The Day After
Dec 26, 2008

Ok, so Christmas has come and gone and I am left feeling a little off.

A few years ago Trav's AMAZING Grandpa passed away on Christmas morning and it rocked our world and changed how we saw Christmas. The following year we didn't "do" Christmas, we donated money in everyone's names to the Blood Water Mission and it was a great Christmas. Some people still gave us gifts and we were super appreciative but we felt a little weird about it. So the next year we did a half & half. Half contributing to Blood Water Mission and half small gifts. Again people gave us presents and we felt awkward. Appreciative but awkward. You know that weird thing when someone gives you a gift and you have nothing for them.

All that to say, that this year was our first year "back." Presents are great but we really feel that some things are more important. I just saw this video on [B]ecker's blog and it sums up what I am struggling for word's to say.

The Advent Conspiracy Promo Video from theadvance on Vimeo.

So next year we want to encourage everyone to donate to the Blood Water Mission. I would rather that a child somewhere in the world gets clean water. Kai has a TON of toys and plenty of water. Thank the Lord!

A heart filled Merry Christmas and a smile is gift enough.

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