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Happy New You
Dec 31, 2008

"Happy New You" is what Kai thought we were saying, so he likes to say it at the top of his lungs to random strangers. :) So tonight marks the passing of another year. I personally am sad to see 2008 on the way out. It was a FANTASTIC year for us. We had a blast and traveled a ton and all the while Kai cracked us up. As the year progressed we fell more in love with our family. So I can only hope that we will keep that heart in 2009 and learn more about how to prioritize our short time on this earth. 

My only resolution this year is trying to be where God is and seeking after him. God's love really is unending and the most amazing gift ever. No matter how bad I screw up or how off course I get, HE is constantly loving me. And not just loving me but showering me with goodness and blessings. In my weakness HE is STRONG. So I am gr8phul to HIM for allowing me to still be me and the fact that he redeems with strength. 

God is SO GOOD.  No matter what 2009 holds, I am gr8phul that he is the one holding it.

Jumping Bean
Dec 28, 2008

We took him skiing for the first time and he did GREAT. He had his own tiny skis and helmet and he looked like a baby penguin. Here are a few pictures from the P&S camera.

He made us laugh all weekend. ALL WEEKEND! He cracks us up, so I put together a little clip. By the way, he is such a blast of energy that we put a mattress in the living room for him to jump on. "A poor man's trampoline" and we were hoping it would be a little safer, but now he is jumping off anything he can to "get air!" HELP!!


The Day After
Dec 26, 2008

Ok, so Christmas has come and gone and I am left feeling a little off.

A few years ago Trav's AMAZING Grandpa passed away on Christmas morning and it rocked our world and changed how we saw Christmas. The following year we didn't "do" Christmas, we donated money in everyone's names to the Blood Water Mission and it was a great Christmas. Some people still gave us gifts and we were super appreciative but we felt a little weird about it. So the next year we did a half & half. Half contributing to Blood Water Mission and half small gifts. Again people gave us presents and we felt awkward. Appreciative but awkward. You know that weird thing when someone gives you a gift and you have nothing for them.

All that to say, that this year was our first year "back." Presents are great but we really feel that some things are more important. I just saw this video on [B]ecker's blog and it sums up what I am struggling for word's to say.

The Advent Conspiracy Promo Video from theadvance on Vimeo.

So next year we want to encourage everyone to donate to the Blood Water Mission. I would rather that a child somewhere in the world gets clean water. Kai has a TON of toys and plenty of water. Thank the Lord!

A heart filled Merry Christmas and a smile is gift enough.

Merry Christmas!!
Dec 25, 2008

Merry Christmas. I am going to keep this brief. I pray that you have a day filedl with all the blessings that God has granted us. If you would take a minute to help someone less fortunate... it only takes 2 clicks. 1st Click the link, then click to give a cup of food to someone with need. Corporate sponsors pay for the food, all you have to do is click :)

The Hunger Site

Merry Christmas!

A Not So Perfect Christmas!
Dec 21, 2008

I love Christmas. The little girl inside relishes every chocolate covered second of it. Christmas trees, presents and Christmas cards. I love saying Merry Christmas to complete strangers. I love making family traditions. And, this year, I love watching Kai learn what Christmas means and represents. I want to breathe Christmas in deep and savor it.

But through all that tinsel covered excitement, I have to admit that there is a lot of hurt and sadness. Fighting back tears and trying to stay strong is not what I had in mind for Christmas. Well, last night I lost the fight and the tears spilled over and ran like a river. And, they are still going. 

Let me backtrack. A huge piece of the Christmas's gone by was my Dad, our traditions, and being together as a family - singing songs at the top of our lungs, picking out the Christmas tree, just being together. Well--that has all changed, and it hurts a TON. Now, instead, I miss my Dad so much that it can be hard for me to breathe, hard to stop the tears and deal with the shock and disbelief that things are like they are. We have only talked three times in the last two years and when we have have, it didn't go very well. Some how, he isn't interested in being in a relationship with me anymore. I have tried, but the only way that it is going to work is if I can forget about the HUGE hurts without even acknowledging the part he has played in them, let alone working through it together.

If you know me, then you know that I don't avoid pink elephants in the room. I want to, I need to, work through things in order to be able to truly move on. I can't pretend like it is all fine while my heart is broken. I have chosen to be true to myself and not cave in. I am worth more than that. My hurts should be acknowledged, my heart break should be noticed. Not just swept under the Christmas tree and asked to keep on as if nothing ever happened. I hope I don't do that to Kai, or Trav for that matter. Life has some major hurts in it and when they come I hope I can be there for the people I love and help them to work through the hurt. Especially when I am the one that caused it.

All this to say, Christmas can be a hard time of year for some. I don't want to act like everything is perfect in my camp, because it's not. I do have a lot to be gr8phul for and I AM, but I am no Martha Stewart. It isn't all perfect and tidy. Come to think of it, she is not so perfect either--Martha Stewart spent some time in the slammer. :) 

Today, Trav went to church and met with our Transparents group alone. I hid away because I just couldn't stop the tears and I didn't want to be a downer. But, Trav came back and told me that our Sunday school group talked about family traditions, and some people were, well – Transparent. They talked about their struggles at Christmas, and a few people even cried. Thank goodness for that group! I am so encouraged by their authenticity--even if it was from afar this time. 

To all the people who are crying in their eggnog this year. I am with you. If you want to sit next to me, I can relate. 

Thank goodness God is the best Father of all. I know he will never forsake me. He will never choose anyone over me. No Matter what! He loves me so much, that he sacrificed his precious son, so that we could be together forever. That is what Christmas is all about. I know I am loved.

Trav took this picture. Nice huh? It is a reminder that we all have mountains to climb and were just doing the best we can..

And, if my Dad is reading this, your little girl misses you like Crazy. Every time I hear Josh Groban singing I get choked up. I miss you, and your Grandson is a one in a million. I mean that! How you have put someone higher than that, I can never understand. But I still love you! Merry Christmas!

My Dad and I always blasted this song at the highest volume possible. We have sang it in the living room and in the car. It was the first thing that we put on when we got in the car together. One night while we were in the mountains of North Carolina we were so into the song that Dad didn't notice the car in front of us,  whoops! Everyone was fine and there was no damage to the cars. We cracked up and then had to pull it together to talk to the people in the car in front of us and apologize. That just one of the thousands of fond memories that I have of days gone by. 

Something Funny
Dec 19, 2008

Picture me on the side of the road TRYING to change my flat tire, when a guy driving by yelled, "They won't be hiring you for Nascar!"

If I had a camera I would have taken a picture of my facial reaction. Good thing that it is Christmas time and I felt like being a happy little elf. I just smiled and waved, as he drove off. Grrrrr! There I was running late to pick up my little boy, wearing an outfit and shoes that weren't conducive to changing a tire and struggling to get the tire off.

I want to be sure to pass on something I learned today. Crack the lug-nuts before you lift the car. Because once you get the car in the air it is nearly impossible to get those things off. And putting the car down and starting over is a bit of a pisser. 

But it is Friday, so I am going to go eat pizza and friends and look forward to the weekend! :)

Christmas Greetings
Dec 15, 2008

We sincerely hope that you all have had a great year. 2008 has definitely been full of fast paced fun. We have done so much, got to visit so many  great places and spent time with encouraging people. Through all the trips and experiences we are amazed by God's love and how we are falling more in love with each other as we go. At the same time, Kai brings us SO much joy and laughter. He has reminded us of what is truly important in life and has challenged us to be better people and parents.

This year, we have decided to go the e-mail/blog route with our Christmas card for a number of reasons. 1) It is environmentally friendly 2) less spendy yet still fun and 3) this way you get to hear Kai's version of jingle bells. You can't do that with a traditional card.

We are putting the slideshow up on my blog, because we don't want to clog your inbox with a huge file. I hope you enjoy it because I really enjoyed making it for you. Looking over the past year has reminded us of God's provision and Love, and we are excited to share some of that with you.   

In Love & By Faith,
Travis, Kat & Kai


Dec 12, 2008

Kai watched a woman walking by with a little baby, stop outside our window and give the little girl a flower pulled from a near by bush. He said, "She give she a flower, and now she happy?" I smiled and said, "Yes!" Then he proceeded to say something that I will hold onto for the rest of my life. 

He said, "You had flowers when you married Daddy? I wanna get married Mommy." I asked him who he wanted to marry and he looked up with a heart melting look and said, "I wanna marry my Mommy!"

That is a moment that can't be reproduced or bought in a store, and it truly was priceless. I am going to be floating on cloud nine for a few days. My heart is literally floating!


A Parent's Rant
Dec 11, 2008

Ok, is  it just me and I growing to be that uptight woman that I never thought I would be? (Please don't answer that :) I was shocked when I took Kai to a nearby park today. The language, behavior and overall vibe was sketchy. It is a kids park, with lots of play equipment and things that should be boring to most older kids. But today, it was infested with kids that were bad influences, with gross mouths and even a few smoking pot. I was pretty surprised and disappointed. I just couldn't believe what Kai was being exposed too.  So I took him home and locked him back up. He might not leave the house again until he's 30. Ok, strike that, I would go crazy before then. We don't let him watch much TV because of what he would be exposed too, and now I can't take him to a park?

Is there anywhere that is safe for a kid in this culture? Somewhere wholesome? Is that too Laura Ingle and Little House on the Prairie? How am I suppose to protect his innocence and still provide him with a childhood? Of course, I am going to respond by being over baring. He's my precious little baby, I don't want to expose him to the truth of this world just yet. I want him to see the world as a magical place full of possibilities.  I am ready to move to a farm in Iowa, somewhere far away from the city. You are probably thinking that the grass is greener on the other side, your probably right, but today please let me indulge myself on that dream.


I have a problem
Dec 3, 2008

If the first step is admitting it then I am here to do that. I have a problem. Not just I have been working through numerous issues with my new MacBook Pro. Not just dealing with kernel panics, erase and installs and being on tech support all hours of the day. My problem is I am a computer addict. Today I had to leave my Mac at the store and it became increasingly obvious I have a problem.
At first I thought I would just get other things done during Kai's nap time. But after cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry, doing the dishes, making phone calls and tidding up the house. That's when I couldn't fight the temptation any longer. So I broke down and pulled out my old dinosaur of a laptop and here I sit now. Like a junkie in the corner getting a fix. At first it wouldn't power up and that made me wild inside but then I realized that the battery needed to be charged. Then it wouldn't power up because I had used a bad outlet, but before I realized that I was starting to freak out. I didn't say I was a smart junkie. Just a junkie.
Is this an issue for anybody else? Has the information super highway started to leave you strung out? The hyper connectedness, the IM'ing and video messaging made us crave more connection than we realize.
I have no solutions to this problem yet. I just know I have a problem and I am going to try to be a bit more disciplined about it. After I check my e-mail...

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