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Driving on the 405
May 31, 2009

Hi There! I know I am slow but I just realized that a blog is like a journal and Facebook is for the quick onliners. It's just quick and that is just one of the reason that I have fallen in love with it. Facebook is fun, interactive and I have reconnected with SO many friends. That was said like a true addict. I will have to work on that...the addiction.

Life moves so fast and is sooo busy. But it is going to be getting even busier in November. God has blessed Trav and I, and we are expecting a new little family member around Thanksgiving! I figure it is time to write about it because my belly has popped out and there is no more hiding it. We are looking forward to having another little munchkin to try to keep up with. How Angelina and Brad have 6 is beyond my comprehension. And twins in their. How is it that there aren't any pictures of them with unruly child, with 1,000 bags of stuff and having a bad hair day? They have tons of help, right?

The first few months of this pregnancy were a roller coaster ride. I will spare all the gory details but let's just say I was SICK! I have such a new appreciation of women who get sick while pregger. It is hard to imagine until you are walking in those shoes. It is BRUTAL. But it looks like it is getting better and I am extremely gr8phul for that!! Extremely!

Anyway, Trav and I are trying to get out and do some fun things while we can and before I get too big. (Kai was almost 10 pounds and I was HUGE) So we took Kai camping last night up in the San Gabriel Mountains. It was crazy to see Kai in that element. He is 100% little boy. I am going to start calling him mini-T because he is a carbon copy of Travis.

**********Here are just a few of his comments while packing***************

He looked at the overcast sky and said, "Mom, it looks like I am going to need my rain coat."

And when we put him in the car he said, "Dad, when we go on the 405 can you please not put my window down because I might get kinda chilly."

WHAT?? He is 2!!!! What 2 year old says things like that. If he didn't come out of my body I would question if I am his mother. I didn't start asking questions like that till I was 30. And not till my mid 20's did I even have a concept of what road I was driving on. I was too busy singing a song or dreaming about something.

Anyway-enough chatter, Here are some pictures from last night :) It was a beautiful sunset! It is always good to get away from it all and have some quiet. As quiet as it can be with a 2 year old around.




Doesn't it look like he is talking to one of his homies?


And now for angelic...


and now for silly...





And I am going to try to take a few more pictures of Trav and I. I realize that I have spent the past 3 years behind the camera and I don't have many pictures of me because of it. I think I am like a lot of Mom's out there, always taking pictures but seldom in them.

Update: I was trying to reflect on my Facebook addiction and decide if it was healthy. And I have to answer that with an overwhelming "YES!" I have kept a document of all the status updates from 2009 and I LOVE looking back on it. It is such a GR8 way to remember all of the Kai-ism's and those precious moments that I NEVER want to forget. It reminds me of how blessed I am and how gr8phul I am to be Kai's Mom and Trav's wife. It reminds me to be more than content and to celebrate the joys in my life. I am blessed and I need to not take that for granted.

So- Here are my top 10 "Kai-ism's" from 2009

  1. Kai said, "I did sleep Mommy. I closed my eyes, now you give me a sticker. Don't tell me no that would be naughty." 1/4/09
  2. Kat said Kai please don't touch my privates. (He was grabbing my boobs in the store) He said, "I am not touching your privates, I am touching your bra!" 1/28/09
  3. Kat said, "Kai it's naptime!" and he said, "Come on, I can't keep doing this everyday." 1/29/09
  4. Kai said, "I smashed the ant and he got died" 3/25/09
  5. Kai's Statements at nap time- "I don't know how to sleep", "it's not dark yet", "I am not having a good attitude". 4/7/09
  6. Today Kai was there while I was photographing the groom getting ready. Kai said, "Mom, why is he getting married?" I said because he fell in love. Kai said,"Mr. Chris there is still time, you don't have to fall." 4/18/09
  7. Bath time quote, "Mommy, Mommy I just smacked Daddy's buns!" 4/20/09
  8. Kai spilled juice everywhere and then he said, "Hold on, I am going to call Daddy." He then took out his pretend cell phone and told his Dad how he made a mistake. 4/23/09
  9. This morning Kai sat at in church with us. The Pastor said a few things that made people laugh, so Kai asked me kinda loud. "Mommy, why is that man telling jokes? Then a minute later Kai started laughing at everything Pastor Glen said. :) 5/3/09
  10. When Kai was in the bathtub tonight he pointed his junk up and then peed all over his face. 4/24/09
I hope these make you smile as much as they make me. That is the whole reason I share them. I love the things that kids say. I can honestly say I love them more than chocolate. And that is a BIG statement coming from me :)


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