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Leap Year
Feb 29, 2008

Happy Feb 29th! I am excited about the plans that I have for this MOST Special Day. I am going to wait a little bit to talk about what my plans are... but what are yours? Anything special today?
Do something for yourself or if you always do things for yourself, do something for someone else. Just Do something that is memorable, because there aren't many Feb 29th's in a life and we should make them count.

What a Wild Ride
Feb 27, 2008

I saw a Beth Moore video today and she said something that really spoke to me. Actually she said about 50 things, but I am only going to touch on one. She said that she went to a grave yard and was struck when she read a tomb stone that said "Betty did all that she could do". Beth went on to say that what struck her was how if we live in the presence of the Holy Spirit, at the end of this life our tomb stones might read, "Kat did way more than was physically possible, she clearly relied on God" . That is such a HUGE reminder to me. HUGE HUGE HUGE!!! I know that I won't get all that I am trying to do, done on my own, but if I cling desperately to God, he will get done what he wants done. Woo Hoo I needed to hear that.

I have been pretty stressed out lately. Trying to get it all done. After being sick for 2 months, and trying to juggle family life, with motherhood, with friends, with commitments, with a budding Photography business and do it all to a standard that I can be proud of.... well, quite honestly, the stress has been getting to me.

Life's journey is NOT to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body,
but rather to skid in sideways totally worn out, shouting "HOLY CRAP...WHAT A RIDE!!"

I read that a couple of years ago and today I couldn't help but think of it. I realize that me taking on the stress of trying to do it all is TOXIC . But if I cling to God and ask him to give me the strength to get done what he wants done, there will be peace. And that peace is what I am seeking. I am clinging to my anchor, because if I don't that all that the world has to throw at me will blow me away. But when my anchor is the presence of God, then nothing can shake me.

All the while I have still been working on Sarah and Tyler's wedding pictures and here are a few more favorites. :)




P.S--God knew what He was doing when he brought Trav into my life. Trav can look at a storm and WANT to ride it out. He actually enjoys navigating the craziness, and I am so gr8phul that he is in my life, as my partner, to make this wild ride so much Fun!

Ski Bug
Feb 25, 2008

On Saturday we decided to take Kai on his first backcountry ski. We drove to Mt Baldy to do a little exploring. It was so refreshing to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city and away from civilization (for the most part). We still parked in a parking lot, so we didn't get that far away.


Kai did really well on the drive there and the drive back. He was pretty entertaining :)


We have definitely gotten our money's worth out of this backpack. Sadly, we think that Kai is starting to out grow it. So, if you have any suggestions for a new one, we would love to hear them.


This was my view on the hike. First, because I like this view (the ladies know what I am talking about!) and secondly, because I was dragging my butt. It was a much needed workout.


Travis grabbed the camera and snagged a shot of Kai and I. I always ask Trav to kiss my nose and now Kai is in on the action too.


Then, when my back was turned for a second, Kai discovered the joy of splashing in mud puddles and I got to discover the challenge of trying to clean his clothes. ;)


Out of the Lunch Box, and into the sand box
Feb 22, 2008

All right it is time to Fess up. I have been shy about the whole blog endeavor and so I have had a Photography blog and a Family blog. Two separate worlds, I didn't want people outside my friend and family circle to see how silly I can be. But life is short and it is time that I just be me, no apologies. But just so you know. I am sappy, a dork, not exactly put together (at all times :), I am incredibly in love with my Boys...my husband and my son!, I have insecurities and most importantly I make lots of mistakes. Oh yeah, and I miss spell everything! :)

I met someone yesterday who inspired me to step out of my box, to follow my dream with all the passion inside me AND to Just Be Me. Well, actually I met 9 people yesterday that encouraged me out of my little nest (where I have been hiding). I had the great privilege to go to lunch with (the lovely and talented) Jasmine Star and 8 other LA photographers. It was a blast and I learned a lot but mostly I learned that I've got to put it all on the line to chase my dream, which is the only way to be %100 honest in my quest.

Here is a picture courtesy of Miss Jasmine Star


Top Row: Serena Grace Photography, Araxi Photography, Kymberli of Webbed Foot Photography, Ann Pasquini Photography, Danielle Reedy, Molly Yarchin of Luminaire Images

Bottom Row: Micah Gilmore Photography, Kat Willcox Photography, Jasmine Star Photography, Sarah K. Chen Photography, and Jasmine Chow

It was a great group of people and it was fun to meet everyone. I just wish that I could have stayed later to chat more but I had to get home for my babysitter. Hopefully, there will be another opportunity for us to get together and keep sharing the love.

First Fruits
Feb 11, 2008

Last night our plane touched down at LAX and so we are officially home from Kauai. Travis and I are very happy to have that flight behind us, Kai was a screaming wiggle worm and we will be telling him stories from that flight for years to come.
I am starting to edit the pictures from the wedding and I thought I would share a couple :) Sarah was a STUNNING bride and Tyler was so taken with her. It was a beautiful Hawaiian wedding and I am looking forward to going through all the pictures.










Feb 9, 2008

As soon as the sun came out, I have been to busy playing to post anything. We have been playing in the sun, swimming in the ocean and just soaking up all the goodness from Ksusi. Well, tomorrow is the BIG day that Tyler and Sarah get married, so I thought that I would do one last post from Kauai. Because tomorrow night I doubt I will have any energy left to put anything up.
This is Zach and Liv cuddling oceanside, they are such an AWESOME couple. They are so much fun to be around and so fun apart and even better together!
Stacy and Liv have been so much fun to be around. They have had me laughing non-stop!
Of course I have to share a picture of Kai oceanside! He actually went all the way in today.

Trav and Kai checking out the waves and playing at the beach.


Have I mentioned how beautiful Kauai is?


Just taking it all step by step, day by day! It is sooo nice to relax and hang out with friends in such an amazing place!

This site is Better in Pink!