Could it be? Yes, it could.
Something's coming, something good,
If I can wait!
Something's coming, I don't know what it is,
But it is
Gonna be great!
but then I realize that what I am so excited for is this moment! Today! Spring!
While Travis was deployed I reached some of my darkest days. I was exhausted, depleted, stressed, worried and pretty grumpy. His deployment was one of the hardest things I have ever gone thru. All while trying to keep a happy face on. In front of the kids and in front of the everyone else watching. I tried but every day felt like a long and grueling marathon. Day after day, weekend after weekend, load of laundry after load of laundry, meal after meal, diaper after diaper. I can honestly say that I only pulled thru because I knew God had a plan and I believed He was shaping our family. And, some dear friends who let me lean on them, carried me the rest of the way. 192 days of being a single Mom was enough for me!
One Sunday morning (about half-way-thru) I went to church, to meet with my Sunday school group and one of my friends read a passage from a book that he was enjoying. I was dizzy with trying to get packed for church, get the kids in their Sunday school classes and trying to remember to breathe. The only words I heard read were, "Like spring after winter." I don't know who wrote the book or what it was called, what I do know- was in that moment I hungered for those words to describe my life. I yearned for the days when the deployment became a memory and not my current status on Facebook. Those words rung in my ears {like Spring after Winter} and became a goal. I wanted a spring after my personal winter. I choked down the tears that day and set my heart on those words. I didn't really know if I would be able to make it but I definitely hoped....

In California I lived in perpetual greenery, the land of palm trees and trips to the beach year round. So I have to admit, that I started to take it all for granted. I mean, there is Spring in California, but it is just a little bit greener, a little bit warmer, a little bit...... But In Virginia (ahhhhhhh) After winter comes SPRING!!! It is SO exciting!!
The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, the kids are playing in the yard. We are trying to start a garden. To many people who know me this is laughable because I have killed most every house plant that has ever entered our home. But my boys have know idea how challenged I am in this area, so I am going to make a go for it. And if it doesn't work out, I can honestly say that we had fun trying it. And Kai won't care because he has already found 50+ earthworms :)

Like spring after winter..... I really did survive. Wow!