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The Reason for the Season
Dec 21, 2009

I can't believe that so much time has passed since I last sat down and wrote. That is a bummer, because my family has been making so many sweet memories but thru a haze of sleep craziness, I am sure to forget some of it.

These days have been full of trying to learn how to juggled two and still stay sane. Some days I am successful and some days I have been in tears by 9:00 AM! This picture is how I feel in the morning when it is time to drag my butt out of bed. I am officially not a morning person. But God's grace is new everyday and I am gr8phul for that!

I hope that your Christ-mas season was a special one. I pray that the meaning of Christ-mas was not lost or fogotten. It isn't about presents, it is about His presence! The King of Kings came to earth as a little baby born in a manager. In a humble stable... And heaven and earth were forever changed. This is our little guy who was our Christmas present this year, since he has arrived on the scene everything has changed at our house.

Four years ago my husband's SPECIAL Grandpa Joe passed away on Christmas day. In his final act on this earth, Grandpa Joe dramatically affected the way that we do and view Christmas. After that Christmas, Travis and I knew that something had to change for us. Gift giving didn't seem as important. So for a few years we didn't do Christmas, but it has slowly crept back into our lives and we are struggling with what Christmas should look like. I saw this last year and I thought it was VERY interesting. So I thought I would share it...

The Advent Conspiracy Promo Video from theadvance on Vimeo.



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