I had one of "those" moments in life when your heart almost spills out of your eyes, through happy tears. I have been honored this week by 2 of my past brides, giving me gifts that I am thrilled about, but more importantly they spoke words of encouragement and appreciation. I got a card from one that said she "believes in me." ThIose words made every hair on my neck and arms stand up straight. I was honored and humbled by those words and gr8phul down to the depths of my soul. I am going to keep that card in a special place and pull it out when I need a shot of encouragement. Which is more often than I am comfortable admitting.
Photography is directly linked to my heart. It comes from my heart to a degree that surprises even me. I feel blessed to be able to do it and I really satisfied when I hear that they are happy with the final product. That means that I was able to deliver my wedding gift to them. :) I am so gr8phul that God has set it up that I get to do what I am passionate about.
I have been working non-stop trying to figure out how to post a slideshow on my blog. Nothing is ever as easy as it should be, but I guess that is why perservence is a good thing :) So I will keep trying, but till then, here are a few pictures from Zach and Liv's wedding.
They are such a special couple and I love them both. It was a priveledge to have such an intimate look of their exciting day.